
Crypto Prices List

This article lists the prices of various cryptocurrencies.

The top 10 cryptos by price



Bitcoin Cash







The biggest movers in the crypto world

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple are the top three cryptocurrencies by market cap. Bitcoin has been the largest cryptocurrency by market cap for the past two years.

Bitcoin has seen a surge in value in recent months, reaching a new all-time high of $19,783. Ethereum is second in market cap and has seen a similar surge in value, reaching a new all-time high of $8,780. Ripple is third in market cap and has also seen a surge in value, reaching a new all-time high of $3.92.

The top 5 cryptos to watch in

The top 5 cryptos to watch in 2021



Bitcoin Cash



Why Bitcoin is still the king

Why Bitcoin is still the king of cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin is still the king of cryptocurrencies. It has remained the most popular and valuable cryptocurrency for years. It has also remained relatively stable compared to other cryptocurrencies.

Ethereum 2.0 and the race to s

Ethereum 2.0 and the race to staking

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

When someone wants to create an Ethereum smart contract, they need to first create an account on the Ethereum network and then deploy the contract using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Anyone can run an Ethereum node, but to be able to stake Ethereum, you need to have a certain amount of ether (ETH) locked up in your account.

Staking Ether gives you the right to receive rewards for verifying and committing transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

The rewards are based on a system called “proof of stake,” which works like this:

Each time someone stakes ether, they are lending their faith that that particular Ethereum node will continue to operate reliably. In return, they are rewarded with a portion of all transaction fees generated by that node.

In order to be eligible to stake Ethereum, you need to have at least 1000 ether locked up in your account.

Once you have staked Ethereum, you can begin to earn rewards by verifying and committing transactions on the Ethereum network.

Ethereum 0 staking rewards

There are a number of different ways you can earn rewards when staking Ethereum.

Some of the most common ways to earn rewards include:

Verifying and committing transactions on the Ethereum network

Running a reliable Ethereum node

Participating in network governance

Each of these activities has its own set of rewards, which are based on a system called “proof of stake.”

Proof of stake rewards systems vary, so it’s important to do your research before starting to stake Ethereum.

Ethereum 0 staking guide

In this Ethereum 0 staking guide, we’ll walk you through the process of staking Ethereum and how to get started.

First, you need to create an account on the Ethereum network and deposit some ether into your account.

Next, you need to get yourself a secure Ethereum node. There are a number of different types of nodes available, so it’s important to choose one that’s right for you.

Once you have a secure Ethereum node, you need to download the Ethereum wallet software.

Finally, you need to start staking Ethereum by verifying and committing transactions on the Ethereum network.

Binance Smart Chain and the rise of DeFi

The Binance Chain is a decentralized network that runs on Binance’s own blockchain. It allows for the exchange of digital assets and services. The Binance Chain is built on the Ethereum blockchain and uses the ERC20 token standard.

Binance has been one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. The company was founded in 2017 by Changpeng Zhao and Wei Zhou. Binance is currently the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume.

Binance is also one of the first exchanges to launch a decentralized exchange (DEX). The DEX allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without having to trust a third-party exchange. Binance’s DEX is one of the most popular in the world.

Binance Smart Chain

The Binance Smart Chain is a network of nodes that run on the Binance Chain. The nodes are responsible for processing transactions and distributing rewards to participants.

Binance is currently developing its own blockchain. The Binance Chain will be used for the exchange of digital assets and services. The Binance Chain is based on the Ethereum blockchain and uses the ERC20 token standard.

The Binance Smart Chain will allow for the execution of smart contracts. The Binance Smart Chain will also support decentralized applications (DApps).

The Binance Smart Chain will be powered by the Binance Coin (BNB). BNB will be used to pay for services and fees on the Binance Chain.

The Binance Smart Chain is scheduled to be launched in late 2019.

Cardano's Shelley mainnet launch and what it means for ADA holders

The Shelley mainnet was officially launched on May 23. This is a significant step forward for Cardano, as it marks the first time that a blockchain platform has implemented a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm.

Proof-of-stake technology is seen as one of the key advantages of Cardano over other blockchain platforms, as it eliminates the need for expensive mining equipment. As a result, Cardano is estimated to be more cost-efficient than other leading cryptocurrencies.

Shelley is also the first Cardano wallet to be released on Android and iOS platforms. This is an important development, as it allows users to access the platform from a wide range of devices.

Overall, the Shelley mainnet launch is a significant step forward for Cardano. It demonstrates the platform's ability to implement innovative technology, and its potential to become a leading cryptocurrency.

XRP shines as Ripple prepares for SWELL 2020

Ripple is preparing for its SWELL conference, which will be held in San Francisco from May 1-3. The conference will feature a wide range of topics, including the launch of xRapid, Ripple’s latest product.

xRapid is a platform that allows businesses to rapidly settle cross-border payments. It uses Ripple’s blockchain technology and xCurrent, its existing product, to provide a secure and efficient solution.

xRapid has already been used by several banks, including MoneyGram and Western Union, and has processed transactions worth more than $30 million.

Ripple is also expected to release a new product called xVia, which will allow businesses to easily connect to its network. xVia will allow companies to access xRapid and other Ripple products, as well as make payments and send money globally.

TRON hits $1 billion in daily transactions, Justin Sun announces new developments

TRON Foundation, the nonprofit organization behind the TRON protocol, announced on July 26 that it has reached a new milestone in its journey to become the world’s leading decentralized digital entertainment platform. According to the blockchain data provider, CoinMarketCap, TRON has now processed over 1 billion transactions daily.

“This is another significant milestone for TRON as we continue to build a world-class platform that provides users with a better online experience,” said Justin Sun, founder of the TRON Foundation.

Since its establishment in 2017, TRON has been working hard to build a platform that offers better online entertainment experiences for its users. In addition to its strong focus on developing the TRON protocol, the foundation has also been working on other initiatives such as building a global community and establishing partnerships with industry leaders.

In recent months, TRON has made significant strides in expanding its ecosystem. In May, the TRON Foundation announced a strategic partnership with BitTorrent Inc., the world’s largest peer-to-peer file sharing platform. This partnership will see BitTorrent become the first major content delivery network to deploy the TRON blockchain.

Additionally, the TRON Foundation has forged partnerships with several leading technology companies, including Baidu, LINE, and ApolloX. These partnerships will help to expand TRON’s user base and enhance the platform’s capabilities.

“We are committed to working with the TRON Foundation and helping them build a world-class platform that will change the way people use digital entertainment,” said Jun Li, CEO of Baidu.

The TRON protocol has continued to make progress in gaining traction among the general public. Earlier this month, TRON announced that it had acquired BitTorrent China Ltd., which will help to further develop the TRON protocol and increase its adoption among Chinese users.

Overall, the TRON Foundation is making good progress in building a world-class platform that offers better online entertainment experiences for its users. As the blockchain technology continues to gain traction, the TRON Foundation appears to be well-positioned to emerge as one of the leading players in this space.

Stellar Lumens enters the top 10 as XLM prices soar

Stellar Lumens (XLM) has surged in value over the past 24 hours, entering the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

At press time, XLM was trading at $0.2752, up 7.8% on the day.

XLM’s surge comes on the back of a number of announcements from major companies and financial institutions, which have seen the digital asset become more popular as a way to move money across borders.

Earlier this month, IBM announced that it would be using Stellar Lumens to facilitate cross-border payments between its clients.

Later that week, Spanish banking giant BBVA announced that it would be using Stellar Lumens to bridge the gap between its customers in Spain and Latin America.

These announcements come shortly after Stellar announced a partnership with SBI Holdings, one of Japan’s largest banks.

The surge in XLM’s value is likely to continue, as major players continue to adopt the digital asset.

EOSIO 2.0 launch brings scalability and security improvements

Thursday, September 14, 2018

EOSIO 0.20.1 is now available for download. This release includes a variety of scalability and security improvements.

Among the scalability improvements is the addition of a new reservation system that allows for more than 1 million transactions per second. Additionally, the EOSIO 0.20.1 release includes several security enhancements, including a fix for a vulnerability that could have allowed for the theft of EOS tokens.

To read more about these and other improvements in EOSIO 0.20.1, please visit our website.

Monero hard fork enables bulletproofs, improves privacy

The Monero hard fork, scheduled for July 12, will enable Bulletproofs, a privacy technology that makes it difficult for third parties to track transactions. Additionally, the hard fork will improve the efficiency of the Monero network and make it more resistant to attacks.

Comments (4):

David Byrne
David Byrne
Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control.
Sophie Taylor
Sophie Taylor
Cryptocurrencies are generated through a process called mining. Miners attempt to solve complex mathematical problems to unlock new cryptocurrency units.
Oscar Walsh
Oscar Walsh
Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units.
James Evans
James Evans
Cryptocurrencies are volatile and can be risky, so you should only invest what you can afford to lose.

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