
Bitcoin Crypto Charts

The article discusses various charts that track the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

To make things easy for beginners, we've compiled a list of the most popular Bitcoin charts.

Bitcoin Price Chart (BTC/USD)

This Bitcoin price chart shows the history of bitcoin price from 2009 to the present day. The chart plots the price in US dollars using a log scale and includes a line indicating the 24-hour trading volume.

Bitcoin Price Chart (BTC/EUR)

This Bitcoin price chart shows the history of bitcoin price from 2009 to the present day. The chart plots the price in Euros using a log scale and includes a line indicating the 24-hour trading volume.

Bitcoin Price Chart (BTC/GBP)

This Bitcoin price chart shows the history of bitcoin price from 2009 to the present day. The chart plots the price in British Pounds using a log scale and includes a line indicating the 24-hour trading volume.

Bitcoin Price Chart (BTC/CAD)

This Bitcoin price chart shows the history of bitcoin price from 2009 to the present day. The chart plots the price in Canadian Dollars using a log scale and includes a line indicating the 24-hour trading volume.

Bitcoin Price Chart (BTC/AUD)

This Bitcoin price chart shows the history of bitcoin price from 2009 to the present day. The chart plots the price in Australian Dollars using a log scale and includes a line indicating the 24-hour trading volume.

The Most Popular Bitcoin Charting Tools

1. CoinMarketCap

CoinMarketCap is the most popular bitcoin charting tool and it provides real-time market data for over 100 coins and 30 exchanges. It also provides historical data and allows users to compare prices between different exchanges.

2. CoinGecko

CoinGecko is another popular bitcoin charting tool that offers real-time market data for over 100 coins and 30 exchanges. It also provides historical data and allows users to compare prices between different exchanges.

3. TradeBlock

TradeBlock is a bitcoin charting tool that offers real-time market data for over 200 cryptocurrencies. It also provides historical data and allows users to compare prices between different exchanges.

4. Coinigy

Coinigy is a bitcoin trading platform that offers real-time market data for over 200 cryptocurrencies. It also provides historical data and allows users to compare prices between different exchanges.

The Best Bitcoin Charting Sites


CoinMarketCap is one of the most popular bitcoin charting sites on the internet. It provides detailed information on the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. CoinMarketCap also has a live market section that lets you track the prices of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in real time.


Coindesk is another popular bitcoin charting site. It provides detailed information on the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as news and analysis. Coindesk also has a live market section that lets you track the prices of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in real time.


CoinDesk is a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, one of the largest financial technology companies in the world. CoinDesk provides comprehensive information on the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as news and analysis. CoinDesk also has a live market section that lets you track the prices of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in real time.


Bitcoinity is a resource for bitcoin and cryptocurrency traders. It provides detailed information on the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as news and analysis. Bitcoinity also has a live market section that lets you track the prices of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in real time.

The Different Types of Bitcoin Charts

There are a few different types of bitcoin charts that can be used to better understand the bitcoin network and its activity.

The first type of chart is a trend chart. Trend charts show the movement of bitcoin prices over time. They can be used to identify whether the price is rising or falling, and how fast it is moving.

The second type of chart is a volume chart. Volume charts show the amount of bitcoin being traded on a given day. They can be used to identify whether the price is rising or falling, and how active the market is.

The third type of chart is a market share chart. Market share charts show the percentage of the total bitcoin supply that is owned by different actors. They can be used to understand who is controlling the bitcoin market, and how competitive the market is.

How to Read Bitcoin Charts

How to Read Bitcoin Charts

Bitcoin charts are a great way to get an overview of the current price of bitcoin, as well as its historical price movements.

To read a bitcoin chart, first find the date and time of interest. Next, find the "Open" and "High" prices for that day. Finally, find the "Close" price and determine the percentage change between the "Open" and "Close" prices.

For example, if the "Open" price was $1000 and the "Close" price was $1100, then the percentage change was 10%.

What do Bitcoin Charts Tell Us?

Bitcoin charts can tell us a lot about the cryptocurrency market. For example, they can show us how much bitcoin is being traded on a given day, how much new bitcoin is being created each day, and how many bitcoins are in circulation.

What is the Purpose of Bitcoin

What is the Purpose of Bitcoin Charts?

Bitcoin charts serve as a way to visualize the price of Bitcoin over time. They are also used to provide insights into the behavior of the Bitcoin market.

How to Use Bitcoin Charts

The first step is to find a bitcoin chart that you like. There are many charts available online, so it is important to find one that you will enjoy using.

Once you have found a bitcoin chart that you like, you will need to gather the information that you want to include on the chart. This information can include the price of bitcoin, the volume of bitcoin, and the percentage change in price over the past 24 hours.

Once you have gathered the information, you will need to create a chart template. This template will help you to organize and format the information that you want to include on the chart.

Once you have created the chart template, you will need to fill in the information that you gathered. You will need to include the price of bitcoin, the volume of bitcoin, and the percentage change in price over the past 24 hours.

"We don't know what to do," he whispered.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked him.

He didn't answer for a long time. "I don't know. I don't know if I can."

"We could try to find a way out," I said.

He shook his head. "It's too dangerous. We'll be caught and killed."

"Then we'll just have to wait here," I said. "It doesn't look like we're going to be able to get out any other way."

We huddled together in the darkness, waiting for something to happen. But nothing did. The only sound was the occasional rustle of the leaves, and the occasional hiss of the wind through the branches.

After what seemed like an eternity, my brother stirred. "I think I hear something."

"What?" I asked, trying to listen.

But all I could hear was the sound of my own breath, and the beating of my heart.

"It's probably just a animal," my brother said, but even he sounded scared.

"Maybe," I said, not sure if I was convinced.

We waited a little longer, but still there was nothing.

"I think we should go back," my brother said. "Before we get caught."

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

We made our way back through the darkness, careful not to make any noise. We had only gone a few steps when I heard something coming towards us.

It sounded like footsteps.

My heart started pounding in my chest, and I felt a cold sweat on my forehead. I could see my brother's face pale in the light of the moon, and I knew that he was just as scared as I was.

But then the footsteps came closer, and I saw who it was. It was our captors, the men who had captured us. They were coming after us, and there was nothing we could do to stop them.

Comments (6):

Jack Brown
Jack Brown
It's interesting to see how the different cryptocurrencies are performing, and it looks like Bitcoin is still the most popular one.
Amelia Brown
Amelia Brown
The price of Bitcoin has been dropping for a while now, and it's not looking like it's going to recover anytime soon.
Sophia Williams
Sophia Williams
Bitcoin price is still in a downtrend, and it looks like it's going to continue that way.
Sophie Walsh
Sophie Walsh
It's interesting to see how the different cryptocurrencies are performing, and Bitcoin is still the most popular one.
Jack Jones
Jack Jones
Bitcoin is still the most popular cryptocurrency, but others are starting to catch up.
William Taylor
William Taylor
It's been a while since the price of Bitcoin has been stable, and it looks like it's going to remain that way.

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