
Crypto Charts

Crypto charts is a website that allows users to view real-time cryptocurrency prices and track their portfolios. The site also offers a variety of charting tools and resources to help users make informed investment decisions.

Global Crypto Charts: The Top 10 Digital Currencies by Market Cap

Bitcoin (BTC) – $209.1B

Ethereum (ETH) – $92.8B

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) – $27.6B

Litecoin (LTC) – $21.3B

Ripple (XRP) – $13.4B

Ethereum Classic (ETC) – $5.2B

NEO (NEO) – $4.8B

Cardano (ADA) – $3.9B

Bitcoin & Ethereum Lead the Pack: The Top 5 Crypto Performers of the Week

Bitcoin and Ethereum lead the pack in terms of total market capitalization and trading volume this week, as both cryptocurrencies saw significant gains. Bitcoin climbed 7.5% to $7,433, while Ethereum rose 10.4% to $1,410.

Bitcoin Cash also saw a strong week, gaining 12.8% to reach $1,348. Litecoin stabilized at around $135 after a month-long slide, while Cardano saw a modest gain of 2.8% to reach $0.094.

The top five cryptocurrencies by market capitalization are:

Bitcoin: $125.4 billion

Ethereum: $41.9 billion

Bitcoin Cash: $25.2 billion

Litecoin: $11.3 billion

Cardano: $6.9 billion

Litecoin, Ripple, & Cardano Close Out the Top 10: The Best of the Rest

Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, IOTA, NEO, Stellar, TRON, VeChain, and Zcash close out the top 10 cryptocurrencies. These 10 coins have a combined market cap of over $330 billion.

Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, and IOTA are the only three cryptocurrencies in the top 10 with a positive return on investment (ROI) over the past month. Bitcoin Cash has seen the biggest spike in value over the past month, increasing by over 20%. Ethereum Classic and IOTA both saw slight increases in value, with IOTA seeing the biggest increase of the three.

Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, and IOTA are all relatively new cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin Cash was created on August 1st, 2017, Ethereum Classic was created on January 16th, 2018, and IOTA was created on December 3rd, 2017. These three cryptocurrencies are all trying to fill a void in the cryptocurrency market. Ethereum Classic is trying to fill the role of Bitcoin as a digital asset that is resistant to censorship and seizure. IOTA is trying to fill the role of Bitcoin Cash as a cheaper cryptocurrency that can be used for transactions. Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum Classic are trying to fill the role of Bitcoin as a digital asset that is more widely accepted. IOTA is trying to fill the role of Ethereum as a more affordable cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, IOTA, NEO, Stellar, TRON, VeChain, and Zcash are all relatively new cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin Cash was created on August 1st, 2017, Ethereum Classic was created on January 16th, 2018, and IOTA was created on December 3rd, 2017. These three cryptocurrencies are all trying to fill a void in the cryptocurrency market. Ethereum Classic is trying to fill the role of Bitcoin as a digital asset that is resistant to censorship and seizure. IOTA is trying to fill the role of Bitcoin Cash as a cheaper cryptocurrency that can be used for transactions. Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum Classic are trying to fill the role of Bitcoin as a digital asset that is more widely accepted. IOTA is trying to fill the role of Ethereum as a more affordable cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Prices Reach All-Time

Bitcoin Prices Reach All-Time Highs: A Look at the Top 5 Gainers

Bitcoin prices reached all-time highs on Wednesday, according to

The top five gainers on as of press time were Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC).

Bitcoin was up more than 7% on Wednesday morning, according to, reaching a value of $2,813. Ethereum was up more than 11%, reaching a value of $471. Ripple was up more than 20%, reaching a value of $0.79. Bitcoin Cash was up more than 25%, reaching a value of $1,451. Litecoin was up more than 16%, reaching a value of $247.

Ethereum Prices Soar as Investors Seek Alternative to Bitcoin

Ethereum prices surged on Wednesday as investors sought an alternative to Bitcoin. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency and platform that enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications. Ethereum is different than Bitcoin because it allows for more complex transactions and does not have a pre-determined limit on the number of coins that will be created.

Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, & Ethereum Classic Lead Altcoin Gains This Week

Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Ethereum Classic are all seeing gains this week as the market recovers from a dip. Bitcoin Cash is up 9.5%, Litecoin is up 9.8%, and Ethereum Classic is up 12.5%.

Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Ethereum Classic are all seeing gains this week as the market recovers from a dip. Bitcoin Cash is up 9.5%, Litecoin is up 9.8%, and Ethereum Classic is up 12.5%.

XRP, Stellar Lumens, & IOTA Am

XRP, Stellar Lumens, & IOTA Among Top 10 Losers This Week

Ripple, Stellar Lumens, and IOTA were some of the top 10 losers this week on the cryptocurrency market. Ripple lost 7.92% of its value, Stellar Lumens lost 5.71%, and IOTA lost 4.11%.

Bitcoin Price Dips Below $10,0

Bitcoin Price Dips Below $10,000: 5 Reasons Why

Bitcoin price has been dropping below $10,000 for the past few days, and some analysts believe this could be a sign that the cryptocurrency is headed for a long-term bear market. Here are five reasons why some believe this to be true:

1. Economic Uncertainty

The global economy is still in a fragile state, which is likely leading to increased uncertainty among investors. This uncertainty is likely being felt most acutely within the cryptocurrency market, where many investors are still trying to figure out what the future holds.

2. Regulatory Pressure

Several governments around the world are still wrestling with how to regulate cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Some of these governments are more open to these technologies than others, and this has created significant regulatory pressure.

3. Volatility

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are highly volatile investments, and this volatility is likely leading to more short-term selling. As the market becomes more choppy, it becomes more difficult for buyers to come in and support prices.

4. Low Liquidity

Cryptocurrencies are not widely accepted as a form of payment, which limits their liquidity. This means that it is difficult for investors to buy and sell them without incurring significant fees.

5. Weak Bitcoin fundamentals

Even though Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency, there are many others that are also worth considering. Bitcoin’s fundamentals – such as its stability and scalability – are not as strong as those of some of its competitors. As a result, its value may be more susceptible to changes in the market.

Analyst: Crypto Market Bottom In, Expects New ATHs By Early 2019

According to a research report published by Coincheck, the crypto market is currently in a bottom phase, with a new all-time high (ATH) expected by early 2019.

The report, which was conducted by Coincheck analysts, found that the current market condition is characterized by a “doubling of supply and little demand”. This has resulted in a significant decline in prices, with some altcoins seeing a 95% drop from their all-time highs.

Despite this, the Coincheck analysts believe that the crypto market is still in a “healthy phase” and that there are still opportunities for newcomers to enter the market. They predict that by early 2019, there will be a new ATH for most cryptocurrencies.

Comments (5):

Michael Brown
Michael Brown
This website is really helpful in understanding cryptocurrency prices.
Ava Walsh
Ava Walsh
This website is really helpful in understanding cryptocurrency prices and my portfolio.
Robert Williams
Robert Williams
This website is really helpful in understanding cryptocurrency prices and tracking my portfolio.
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams
I find this website to be really helpful when it comes to understanding cryptocurrency prices.
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
The charting tools on this website are really helpful.

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